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Financing Instruments & Financing Providers

Total results: 52

Facility Name Sort Provider Purpose Max Sort Business Eligibility Minimum Documentation Required Collection / Repayment (months) Sort
Favourite Project finance, Agriculture Finance and Equipment loan
African Enterprise Collective (AEC)
  • Secured Loans
  • Unsecured Loans
  • Must be registered as a business in Rwanda.
  • Must be an Inkomoko client in good standing (current on payments within due date) for a minimum of three months.
  • The business must be in existence and active for at least 6 months.
  1. ID of authorized Representative and shareholders.
  2. Must be an Inkomoko client in good standing (current on payments within due date) for a minimum of three months.
  3. Projects that fits AEC’s mission (eg. Employment creation).
  4. Past, current and Projected financial statements.
  • Provide account statement, if any
    Ability to repay the loan.
  • Good credit history (CRB) with AEC RT or other financial institutions, If any.
  • Certificate of company registration.
  • Financial Statements.
  • In case of a collateral to be pledged, document of the property shall be provided.
  • Tax clearance certificate,Bank Account Statements.
Vision Fund Rwanda (VFR)

Safi product is targeting Self help groups and Voluntary Savings and Loan Association (VSLA's) in the deep rural areas. We partner with NGO’S who link their Savings Groups with VFR to access higher loans.

  • Matured groups after 12months of formation
  • Repayment frequency:Monthly
  • Recomemded by an NGO / Facilitating Agency / Local Authority
  • ID cards,
  • Group constitution,
  • Recommendation from cell phone company
Favourite Community Bank Group loan
AXON Tunga Microfinance PLC

This product is offered to active clients, particularly women with small businesses who don’t have collateral and they are in need of a working


Peer guarantee

  • Identification card
Vision Fund Rwanda (VFR)

Ubwizerane is a graduation product offered to Community bank customers who have demonstrated growth, and who require larger loans to continue growing their businesses, and who have a good repayment record.

  • Crops can be: Seasonal Repayment holiday with monthly interest
  • Livestock can be: 1 to 6 month grace period then monthly principal and interest (P&I)

  • ID cards,
  • Group constitution,
  • Recommendation from cell phone company
Vision Fund Rwanda (VFR)

Urunana product is offered for Community Banking, basically group of people who have self-selected into groups of min 8 to max 15 individuals. The priority is given to Low income and micro entreprenuers particularly women and youth living inperi - urban and rural areas

  • Repayment frequency: bi-weekly or monthly
  • Group recomemded / Approved by Local Authority
  • Loans should be used for the given purpose

  • ID cards,
  • Group constitution,
  • Recommendation from cell phone company
Favourite AGRICULTURE LOAN ( CB - 3)
Vision Fund Rwanda (VFR)

Koramuhinzi Agricultural Loans products targets small holder farmers in rural communities, providing them with finance for their farming needs including loans for Inputs,

  • Matured groups after 12months of formation
  • Repayment frequency: Monthly
  • Recomemded by an NGO / Facilitating Agency / Local Authority
  • ID cards,
  • Group constitution,
  • Recommendation from cell phone company
Favourite Solidarity Group product
AXON Tunga Microfinance PLC

This product targets mainly active clients particularly women and youth. These are clients who are graduated from the community bank to join the Solidarity group after finishing a certain number of cycles for them to access a high loan amount


Activity in trading

  • Identification Card
Favourite BDF Agribusiness Financing
Business Development Fund (BDF)

Financing agribusiness

  • Agricultural production with innovation in processing, good packaging, export,… Grant accompanied with loan of 6 million to be paid at 12% and direct equity of 1 million.
  • Proof of agribusiness project owned by a Rwandan citizen
  • Proof that two years were spent after graduation from secondary or university studies
  • Cooperative or company registration proof
  • Proof that project is at start-up stage with less than one year of existence
  • Proof that the project is under combined production and agri-business or agro-processing
  • Proof of 10% of total project value owned by owner of the business

Unguka Bank Plc

Fully secured working capital loan to entrepreneurs with active small businesses to all Rwandan registered companies and individuals

  • Open account in UB
  • Active business (experience for 6 months)
  • Loan Security
  • The business has to be located in Rwanda
  • Project description (customer needs statement)
  • Financial statement certified
  • Application letter
  • Company Registration Certificate/ID copy of the applicant and his guarantor
  • Legal status certificate - RRA Tax Clearance Certificate
  • Valuation report of collateral (done by a valuer, which has a partnership with UNGUKA Bank Ltd)
  • MICRO WORKING CAPITAL LOAN 21: - Collateral title (land, factory, car etc) and movable security documents
  • Act of lending property if the collateral doesn’t belong to the borrower
  • Life insurance is mandatory for individuals - Notified Board resolution for companies
  • Bank statements for the last 6 months (if account held with another financial institution
Vision Fund Rwanda (VFR)

The individual loan targets Small businesses and micro - entrepenuers who are in need of working capital or need funds to buy business assets

  • Existing business
  • ID card,
  • Patent document

Financing Facilities

The Financing Gateway provides you with a free listing of the many financing instruments available for MSMEs. It enables you to filter the instruments that match your needs and click through to the –financing provider’s Internet pages or Contact agent details to find out more and apply.

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